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2022-11-08: We have a signal to move out of **** and into ****.
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  • "I am not receiving your portfolio change email alerts. The last one I received was on 1/28. Luckily, I happened to go to your web site this morning, and I saw that you exited ***. *** and ***. And I was able to get out of all three with gains. Has anyone else mentioned not getting the emails? If not, then I will assume it is a problem on my end with our spam filter. Thanks. By the way, love the service so far!"...DT, Wisconsin

  • "...[Your service] is my primary source for research. I will supplement it with [newspaper] if I want corroboration or another viewpoint. However, I've used a lot of services over the years and yours is by far the most complete and helpful. I also like the dynamic aspect of it whereby you keep making nice changes. Thanks for your acumen. You have helped my portfolio rise by 25% this year."...TS, California

  • ".... Thanks for your time and efforts..... just as a side note... I bought CMFO and within weeks have made 10 times my membership..... Thanks for a great site... "...FB, Michigan

  • "Thanks for the explanation. I have been searching for a site such as yours for some time. I have used xxx, etc. I love being able to get as much information as I can in one stop like yours. Great Site, and I am looking forward to learning as much as I can. Thanks."...JK, Indiana

  • "I like the service and am ready to sign up for a few more months whenever you want me to."...GLB, Oklahoma

  • "Greetings. Thanks for the service, have used it on and off for years."...TY, New Jersey

  • "Hello, I mailed a check last week...for 3 months. I wonder how long it takes to process mail applications. I have previously used your service and maybe I am over anxious to get started again."...HF, Tennessee

  • "Last October I explored an introduction to your service...I like your straight-forward, disciplined, multi-dimensional approach for which you are willing to put your own capital at risk. "...JS, Maryland

  • "Hi! Great site! I was thinking of subscribing and was just wondering how many top picks you have going on average at one time. I'd like to just trade all of your top picks but if it goes over 10 stocks at one time it might be a little difficult. You must have many clients who have done well with your system over the years-good job. It's nice to see that with some disciplined trading rules people can be successful with a little patience."...CM, Wisconsin

  • "THIS IS GREAT and you are close to "Genius" from the pages I see. It is not exactly what I expected, but still going to be super useful...I must add, that I am so delighted that I discovered your site. I have books, have studied, have learned (at my expense!) and now I feel confident that I will be adding a little "pocket change" to my brokerage account. (actually making up some severe losses!!!)"...BHP, Arizona

  • "Hello again, I just wanted to tell you out of 750 stocks I can make money. So you guy just keep up the good work. I have already made $2,000 just in two days by your program!! I am really excited. Can a person always make money with A+ stocks or do you have to becareful also? Because I checked some of the stocks that were good yesterday and not so good for today so far. Thanks for getting back to me. Do you have any stocks that will be taking off soon?"...JP, Minnesota

  • "Thank you for making this change. Plugging this data into my Telechart and QuoteTracker watch lists will now be much easier. Your site makes the process of stock hunting so much easier. I can't imagine doing this without you. Actually, I can. Trying to find good stocks before using your data used to be difficult, sporadic, and inefficient...Your site is one of the best on the web for filtering through the megapieces of stock information. I appreciate all the work that goes into your work and hope you are very successful helping the rest of us arm wrestle the market."...TS, California

  • "Excellent site. I am addicted."...MG, Florida

  • "I let my membership expire sometime back--being disappointed at the market. However, I like your site the best of all that I have looked at--and that has been many. I will renew shortly. Looking forward to a better market soon-I hope."...JG, Kansas

  • "I've been agonizing over ***'s newspaper and online stuff for about two years. Before that I was trying to create some sort of medium investment plan using Technical Analysis. I love ***'s concept(s), but I could never put it together until I ran into your site. I didn't hesitate to dip my toe into your site - I've been looking for you for a long time!..."...DN, California

  • "Hi. Thank you for your great service. I have enjoyed using this site. I reactivated my account this morning..."...TG, Texas

  • "Hello, I am a recent additon (last few months) to your web page and I really like it and use it every day. You guys do a great job."...AN, Virginia

  • "Dear Sirs: l'm a new subscriber and a very happy one...Thanks for all you do!!"...BB, Washington

  • "I have been enjoying your website for a couple of months. Have been closely following your new Trader's Corner...I have accessed a lot of investments sites over the past year and have decided your site offers me the best chance of success. I plan to "mirror" your investments, either in the Trader's Corner or the GSA portfolio."...DS, North Carolina

  • "You provide an excellent service for which I am grateful."...CW, Florida

  • "I have read several books, taken courses, and traded for 3 years using Chart patterns; as well as checking all kinds of background data. An almost impossible task when working alone...but, there is always something to be learned. You can be assured, I will be using your screened data regularly, since I trade daily. Thanks"...BHP, Arizona

  • "My trial will expire in a few days. I have definitely decided to subscribe but was wondering if it will begin after the trial or on the day I subscribe...Thanks for a great site!! With the bull beginning to snort and paw the ground, the choices are still overwhelming. You are helping me to make my time and energy more efficient. Keep up the good work"...TS

  • "I find your daily report very effective pointing out good day trades. I use a .25 stop loss and trade in 1000 share lots...Thanks for putting out such a cool and insightful publication. I can't imagine needing any more info than your report "...KF, California

  • "...I am a new member and I'm finding your product more concise and therefore quicker and more beneficial than more in depth and more time consuming similar websites. Thank you"...JW, Michigan

  • "Have enjoyed using your service for the past two weeks. Thanks for the trial. I did put a check in the mail for a 6 month subscription..."...TG, Texas

  • "...I feel your site has a lot of very good information and have enjoyed using it for my own personal stock selections"...JJ, Texas

  • "...I've used XXX for over two years. All I can think is that a service such as your implementing XXX's values combined with other sites could be nothing but beneficial. I'll send my check immediately if you can activate me"...RW, Washington

  • " [investment] book over my vacation at the beach and it's beginning to make some sense selling while you have a profit!! :)...thanks!...Learning to love the service."...TY, New Jersey

  • "Nice going with the WFII pick. I'm also still in DFXI with a nice profit. Should I forget NTAP and CHKP or look for another entry point? I went back (at your suggestion) and studied the results of your 'Top Picks'. It was truly astonishing how well you have done-such big percentage gainers and few losers. Also impressive was that you laid low during that March / April collapse. I have cash on the sidelines waiting for other top picks and using this time to study and learn (xxxx tele-conference today)"...LB, Texas

  • "I am a new subscriber and I wanted to let you guys know what a great service you are providing. I am on a 3 month trial but I plan on renewing ad infinitum...Great job"...RJ, Texas

  • "I appreciate your useful and innovative reporting of many indicators such as catalysts and percent above moving average. Hope your great database and spreadsheet can continue"...RE, Florida

  • "...Am finding that I really rely on your service and trust its foundations in xxxx's philosophy. My previous subscription easily paid for itself several times over. Can't wait for you guys to get back from vacation and start running your program again."...DH, Connecticut

  • "Hello again, I wanted to thank you for your fast reply regarding my question, I'm around people that do momentum plays so I forget some of the basics. The first week I got your report NITE took off and PLCE went up steadily for the past 3 weeks, but my account to purchase stocks wasn't set up as of then so I just watched in amazement. I look forward to your report every week. Thanks again"...ED, California

  • "I am excited about finding this program on the internet. I used a plan a few years back, it proved very successful though expensive and time consuming..To find all the work done for me and knowing the power of this program I can not see anything but good solid investing ahead of me"...DH, Arkansas

  • "I have used your services in the past. However, based on my travel schedule I let my subscription expire back in February...I look forward to using your service once again. I will register via your internet site, however, I wanted to drop your a personal note. Happy holidays!!!!"...CW, Texas

  • "...has my subscription expired? If so, I will re-subscribe for 1 year. Excellent work. (Would) Love to see your overall market comments-para or 2 every week,right or wrong. Password was: "...BW, Canada

  • "Hello, I'm rejoining your service again-longer time this instance. Keep up the great work-great stuff you do,looking forward to being in touch"...JM, California

  • "Sorry, I did not realize my subscription had expired. I would like to subscribe for six months. I have put the check in the mail. Please re-enable my username and password. Thanks, PS- do you have any more good picks like CREE?"...KD, Pennsylvania

  • "Your Hi-EPSRS Spreadsheet is a truly great product! I really look forward to getting this on a weekly basis- my check is on its way to you as we speak"...GK

  • "Very slick program-esp. the spread sheet thing! ...this seems to help avoid the pitfalls like low liquidity. I chose SALT at about 18-it is now 32 or so. Regards"...FC, Georgia

  • "Dear GSA: Check will be going in the mail later today or tomorrow for three months subscription. Previous subscriber from last year. Thank you"...JS, Michigan

  • "Could you extend my membership for an additional 13 weeks or more?"...DK, Texas

  • "Really enjoy your work and I look forward to using the stop-loss feature. Would you email me and let me know when I am allowed this download"...EL

  • "Thanks for your work in this area"...JC, Arizona

  • "I placed my first trade using your screen and made $1200 on DATM...eps 99 and breakout. It was also mentioned in the paper today. Thanks!!"...RG, NCarolina

  • "Please begin subscription to your wonderful web-site"...SH, California

  • "..i like what i see on your site-lots of potential looking forward to participating"...JM, California

  • "Dear customer service, My current subscription expires on 6-19. I would like uninterrupted service. How do I renew? The renew screen on the website looks like it is for new customers...Thank you."...JD, New Jersey

  • "Dear Growthstock: So that my membership goes uninterrupted, please notify me when my membership is due. Thank you."...HL, Maryland

  • "...Please send me my password and anything else I need to log on. Thanks...P.S. I enjoy your service very much and plan on using it for a long time"...BC, Mass.

  • "Actually I've used your service before and am just beginning to get back into the market...I just paid through PayPal and need to know what the next step is"...PM, Washington
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