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Smallcap Biotech Stocks |
Back in 2005, did you ever hear of LifeCell Corporation, or ViroPharma Incorporated, or Gilead Sciences Inc, or Illumina Inc, or Momenta Pharmaceuticals Inc? These were not household smallcap biotech stocks, but they all had one thing in common: significant relative strength in their stock prices. Investing in a few of these smallcap biotech stocks would have been beneficial to your portfolio. However, don't simply focus on smallcap biotech stocks because you want to. Focus on what is currently working in the market place. Today, it is biotech and the internets. Tomorrow, it could be oil stocks or savings and loans. Let the market tell you which smallcap stocks to be in. The stock market always shows it's hand. Growth Stock Analytics gives stock market investors entry to our proprietary stock ranking system. Our HI-EPSRSTM Stock Database
is a one-stop starting point for smallcap biotech stocks, and research/investing in high relative strength stocks:
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- Smallcap Biotech Stocks, and more...
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