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Stock Market Screener |
Are you looking for a stock market screener that actually screens for relevant stock market data? Are you tired of finding a free stock market screener on the internet that doesn't provide screening criteria that can make a difference? We were so disappointed with the stock market screener samples out there, that we decided to create a stock market screener ourselves. How would you like to find stocks above $1, exhibiting strong relative strength, less than 15% off their 52-week highs, showing unusual trading volume, and breaking through price resistance? Or stocks above $10, with strong accumulation/distribution numbers, in a strong industry group, with 3-year EPS and sales growth above 20%, projecting to grow at 20% or more, and still undervalued in the stock market? That's the stock market screener we've made available to you. See it in action here. Growth Stock Analytics provides stock market investors entry to our proprietary stock ranking system. Our HI-EPSRSTM Stock Database
is a one-stop source for stock market screener, and research/investing in high relative strength stocks:
- Obtain our Top Stock Picks.
- Perform Stock Screening.
- Observe Stock Chart Samples.
- Look for Stock Breakouts.
- Verify Fundamental and Technical Facts.
- Watch your Portfolio using Portfolio Alerts.
- Stock Market Screener, and more...
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